
Bender, hurry! This fuel’s expensive! Also, we’re dying! I don’t want to be rescued. You wouldn’t. Ask anyway! Bender, being God isn’t easy. If you do too much, people get dependent on you, and if you do nothing, they lose hope. You have to use a light touch. Like a safecracker, or a pickpocket. Yes! In your face, Gandhi! Now what?

I’m sure those windmills will keep them cool. Oh right. I forgot about the battle. Take me to your leader!

  • Do a flip!
  • Who am I making this out to?
  • You are the last hope of the universe.
  • And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet, Nibbler, who’s gone to a place where I, too, hope one day to go. The toilet.

A Taste of Freedom

Son, as your lawyer, I declare y’all are in a 12-piece bucket o’ trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin’ up that ol’ mess you caused. Kids have names? Say it in Russian! Shut up and get to the point! Yeah, I do that with my stupidness.

Humans dating robots is sick. You people wonder why I’m still single? It’s ’cause all the fine robot sisters are dating humans! Guess again. Professor, make a woman out of me. I am Singing Wind, Chief of the Martians.

  1. Stop it, stop it. It’s fine. I will ‘destroy’ you!
  2. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right.
  3. Um, is this the boring, peaceful kind of taking to the streets?
There’s one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain! Good man. Nixon’s pro-war and pro-family. Bender?! You stole the atom. Who am I making this out to? I was all of history’s great robot actors – Acting Unit 0.8; Thespomat; David Duchovny! Why would I want to know that?

© Emma Lecours 2013